Tabletop Simulator Games

Journey Adventure Quest (JAQ) 3 - 6 players
Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.
Journey Adventure Quest (JAQ) 2 player
All the great strategy and fun from the 3 to 6 player game, but reconfigured to make the open-drafting 2-player version easier to play on Tabletop Simulator.
Head, Hand and Foot
​We are not exactly sure what the official rules are on how to play Head, Hand and Foot, but we play the version of the game that we were taught 😊. It is a fun Canasta-type card game that does not require more about personal interactions than strategy, so it is fun to play with everyone. You are really just collecting matching sets of cards and pairing them up with partner sets. The TTS version has a simple AI that lets you play by yourself if you like, or even to "tag out" when playing with others if you need a break and everyone else wants to continue. Have fun!